Tuesday, May 24, 2011

WHAT I BELIEVE / / // // // // // /

I believe that the popular notion of truth lies greatly in aesthetic perception; and that the subjective experience of aesthetic beauty, manifests itself in proportion, wholeness, balance, colouration, and other elements of natures' designs. Therefor, the subjective experience of aesthetic beauty constitutes the defining psychological nature of humans ultimately as witnesses of time and energy. Physical beauty also manifests itself in words, expressed as text through the spoken word, or composed on a flat surface such as canvas, paper, or on the modern screens of our time. To witness time and energy is to be human. It is also my opinion that moral behaviour also takes on an aesthetic form. In this framework it is possible to perceive immoral behaviour as un-beautiful or lacking aethetic beauty. If immoral conduct lacks aesthetic beauty (largely because it manifests itself in what may be called negative energy) then moral conduct can be perceived by the proverbial human witness as being aesthetic beauty (energy which resonsates positively). Since positive energy ultimately reproduces positive energy, and negative energy reproduces itself as well, then it is no wonder that moral behaviour or immoral behaviour could gain momentum, leading to obvious consequences. (such as humanitarian heroes with endless compassion, versus so called evil people, of which there are numerous examples of throughout history).

I also believe that life is sacred, and that animal spirits coexist on Earth with the spirits of all living beings, including humans. When we can learn to truly respect the tiniest critters, fish, birds, and four-legged animals; we may begin to unravel the nature of respect itself, and begin to experience the concept of aesthetic beauty manifested in physical, moral, spiritual, and every realm conceivable.

by Dan Hedges
May 24th, 2011
in honor of Kind Walking Bear

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